Your body as your friend

Me and my body are two seperate things.

You can see it as your vehicle through life. If you don’t understand your body well, you will have a lot of problems along the trip through life.
F.e. some vehicles are ment for short trips and are having a hard time when they have to do longer trips. If you do not know this or ignore this, your vehicle will end up broken at the end. You will exhaust the motor and it will eventually force you to stop in the middle of know where with no other vehicles in the neighbourhood.
This is exactly what happens with our body too. If we ignore the signals that our body is giving us or we don’t notice them because we are too busy with doing other ‘more important’ things, then we will end up like the car. Stuck.
We can prevent this however by being aware of our body. We can create a relationship with it. Your body and yourself are two seperate things, but they are attached to each other.
You can’t get rid of your body.
You can try to change it, but you can never detach yourself from it.

So, why not make friends with our body?

Why do we connect well with our friends?
Because we have a feeling of understanding each other. Because we check in with each other from time to time. Because we know what the person likes or dislikes and what the person’s limits are. We know what triggers them and we know their sensitivities.
If you don’t care about your friend, he/she will most likely not contact you anymore.

I see so much similarity in having a relationship with friends and having a relationship with my body.

I admit that I am not always happy with what my body tells me and than I wish I had another body with less limitation. But since I can’t detach myself from my body I might as well become friends with it. After all it is my vehicle that helps me get through life.

We are born with curiousity and being curious about our bodies is very usefull and more helpfull than judging it.

Acceptance is the key.
What you resist, persist.

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