Some hikes

It’s been a while since I wrote something on my blog. I didn’t really have the time to write or I was too tired. I’m still working on the hobby farm in Abbotsford with Terry, Sandi and Liz.
I really admire Terry and Sandi. Lately it seems like they have one bad thing after another and it’s like it never stops, but they keep smiling and helping others as much as they can even though they have so many problems themselves.
First Terrys parents needed to move to another place with some more support. When they lived there for a couple of days his mom fell in the shower and had to go to the hospital. Because Terrys dad can’t live on his own (he has dementia), he had to come live with us. So they had to build up a bedroom for Terrys dad in just a couple of days.
Now Terry has problems with his back and while he was driving somewhere a woman drove into Terrys car. He had to go to the hospital to check if his back was okay and also because his dad had to go to the hospital. His kidneys stopped working and he has pneumonia again. He is struggling to pull himself through this and stay alive.
My thoughts go to Terrys dad, Terry and Sandi.

So it’s been a hard time for them already and I help them wherever I can. That’s also a reason why I didn’t have the time to write something on my blog.

I’ll give you a little summary of what I did the past few weeks.

The end of March I decided to go back home because my cat was very sick and dying. I booked a flight home to see her for the last time and give her all the love she deserved.

But before going to Belgium, I went to Golden Ears provincial park with Berm. The weather was nice for once so we were lucky. It was a short but lovely hike with lots of big trees and clear blue/green water.

Here are some pictures of the park:


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When I returned from Belgium, I went back to the farm. I removed a lot of horse manure and worked a lot in the garden because the weather is getting more dry now and there is a bunch of work that needs to be done in their big garden.

One day I was using the little tractor again to pick up big branches and other stuff that was too heavy to carry, but I got myself stuck in the mud. It wasn’t the smartest thing I have done :D. Lucky Terry and Sandi weren’t mad and they pulled the tractor out of the mud with their truck.

I also had to babysit some days and I worked two days for Terrys company. I had to watch someone who was working on a roof. If something would happen I had to call 911. Lucky I didn’t have to do that. It was a nice and ‘hard’ job :D. The sun was always shining a lot those days, so I could enjoy the weather as well.

Here are again some pictures:


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A week ago Berm and I went to Squamish and climbed the second and third peak of Squamish peak. It was a hard but enjoyable hike :)! Some parts you had to really climb rocks and there were some chains that you had to use to go up. Some parts were slippery because of the wet rocks. A girl in front of us fell and almost fell of the cliff!! She was so lucky! I was very cautious during the whole hike and I didn’t fall.

Once we were up there it was amazing! So beautiful with the mountains and the water. There were also chickmunks that ate out of our hands :D! It was so peaceful and wonderful and I was so happy and full of energy, because nature is so beautiful and it charges me with energy.

Here are some of my best pictures:


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This weekend Berm and I went up to Lynn Peak. My God, that was though. I forgot to bring my hiking shoes so I had to hike up there with just regular shoes. The trail consisted of little stones which made it a lot more difficult for me, but I didn’t complain because it was still a really nice hike.
The thing I like the most of hiking up a mountain is that you are getting really tired during your hike but once you are up there you get rewarded with stunning views which makes me really happy :).

Again I have some pictures for you:


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Every day I am happy that I can be here and face my fears. I still can’t believe it that I am doing this alone :). I am excited and looking forward to see more of the beautiful nature here in Canada.

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