Lynn Canyon

Wednesday 22th of February I went for a ‘little’ walk to Lynn Canyon. I’ve already been there, but it’s really big so there are lots of places I didn’t see the other day.

I walked from my place (Lynn Valley) all the way to Lynn Canyon (that’s about 5 km). I had a map and I went to see Twin falls first. It was beautiful. The water is so blue and green and there were not many people there so it was basically me and nature. I love that.

After that I walked all the way to Lynn Headwaters park which is another 3 km from Lynn Canyon park. I walked all the way along the river. First the sun was out, but then clouds came and it slowly started to hail. I was looking in the distance and I could see the hail falling down, but where I was standing there was no hail yet. I slowly saw it coming towards me. It was beautiful to see.

There are so many trails you can do and I wanted to do even a longer hike, but it started snowing also and it got cold real quick. Luckely I was prepared for that and I brought more clothes and my rain pants.
I decided to go back to Lynn Canyon via the other side of the river.

There is even a trail that’s called Baden Powel trail and it goes all the way from the East of Canada to the West of Canada!

When I was back I didn’t want to wait for a bus so I walked back home again :D. I was exhausted when I came home, but it was a nice day of excercise and I liked it.

Here are some pictures of my hike:


This is Lynn Valley, the area where I live


This is Twin falls. I don’t know why they call it Twin falls, but it is definately a waterfall.


The nice blue/green water


People balance some stones on each other to mark a beautiful spot.

2 thoughts on “Lynn Canyon

  1. Je zal een mooi fotoalbum hebben als je terug bent, iets waar je je hele leven aan zal terugdenken, geniet er maar van ! Groetjes tante Li.


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