Trip to Wenatchee from Vancouver

img_20161222_102458Two nights before I would go to Wenatchee, I slept in a hotel with a good bed and a room for myself (I like that). I didn’t have a toilet or shower in my room but I was lucky cause my room was right in front of the toilet and shower.
Breakfast was included in the price and I could go to the restaurant next to the hotel to get dinner. I stayed in the hotel, so I could get a discount.
The breakfast service was really good. There is still someone who is serving you the food instead of taking it yourself. I really like that, because then you have some personal contact and you won’t waste food. Cause in my opinion, if you have a table full of food, you take lots of different things and you and up with eating maybe half of it. If you have to ask for something you won’t take that much.
The “breakfast man” was very friendly and I always made a talk with him in the morning.

23 December I took the bus to Seattle. The ride was longer then expected due the snow. It started snowing when we arrived at the border of the US. I thought the American border people would be more serious, but they were very friendly and talkative. One of them asked me if I spoke French or German, since he saw on my ID that I’m Belgian. He started speaking some German to me, which was fun :).

In Seattle I wanted to get to the airport for my next shuttle bus as soon as possible because I wanted to catch an earlier bus. I failed and arrived at the airport 15 minutes after, so I had to wait almost 3 hours until my next bus. I was a bit emotional and tired because I was dissapointed that I didn’t make it for the earlier bus.

At 7:30 pm the shuttle bus arrived and I could go on with my trip to Wenatchee. The bus driver told us that the roads were good and that we would arrive in Wenatchee about 11 pm.
While we were driving it started snowing again and the roads were full of snow. The driver had to drive carefully and slow.
Finally I arrived in Wentachee at 11:15 pm. I was tired of the long trip (9am-11:15 pm). It seems so close on the map, but if you have to get there by public transport, it takes a whole day.

I was excited to see James again. There was snow too and I wanted to feel it with my hands, so I made a little snowball. At that time I heard a car honking. It was James :).
His car has a four wheel drive hence it was easy to drive in the snow.

It felt good to be ‘home’.

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