My birthday

When I came into the kitchen that morning, Lori was making waffles for me with strawberries! Bill and Lori also bought a present for me. I was so happy, cause again I didn’t expect that.
The waffles were really good and after breakfast I could open my present. I got body lotions, parfum and lip balm.


That day, James and I did a little hike again on Horselake homestead. Normally you can drive all the way up, but now the road was closed. We hiked up a little bit till we had a nice view of Wenatchee. We stayed there a bit to enjoy the view.
After I while I got really cold because we weren’t moving that much anymore, so we decided to go back down.


James enjoying the view


At home we drank a nice cup of warm soup and had some nice snuggles.
Lori had again a little surprise for me :D. She have made some little birthday cakes for me that she invented herself. It was very tasty, but also really sweet (both definitions from sweet are correct here :p).

In the evening James took me out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, because I had never tasted real Mexican food before.
First they served us some tortilla chips with salsa saus and a Mexican salsa salad. That was already very yummy. I ordered a tortilla with lots of vegetables and some shrimps. It was a huge tortilla and I couldn’t finish it, even though it was really tasty. Even James couldn’t finish his burrito.

Time flies when you’re having a nice time.

The next day I already had to leave again.
James drove me to the shuttle bus and we gave each other big hugs.
Saying bye  to him is always hard for me. It’s like dying over and over again. I can’t get used to it.

I’m really glad and thankfull for all the beautiful moments that I’ve already experienced since I’m here.


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