Christmas in the US


View from James’ house

The next day, we went outside in the snow. We’ve put lights in an apple tree and went for a walk. I made some snow angles and James made smiley faces. He also wanted to slide a little piece of a big hill, but when he wanted to come back up, he realised that it wasn’t a good idea :D. Coming up is a lot more difficult then sliding down of course, but he managed.


Snow angel

After that we picked up James’ grandmother because she was in the hospital due breathing problems. When we arrived there she was happy to see me. She is still a very strong woman and wants to do lots of things by herself and doesn’t want help that often.
Normally she would come over for dinner that evening, but she stayed in the home.

That evening we ate Brussels sprouts ( Belgium :D) and other salad with a big piece of ham. It was delicious.

After dinner we watched Ice Age and we opened presents. I didn’t know that I would get a present, so I was surprised (twice: because of the unexpected surprise). They gave me winter slippers and I was/am very happy with that.

On Christmas day we drove to James’ aunt for dinner. It was a long drive (3 hours) therefore we would spend the night there.
It was the first time for me that I saw James’ brother and sister (Ryan and Monica).

I experienced that the way of having christmas dinner is different then we do it in Belgium. We arrived there and just the table was ready. Kim (James’ aunt) had to made the dinner still and she also had to prepare some appetizers. We were all standing in the kitchen while she was cooking :D. That was so strange to me, because in Belgium when we go somewhere for dinner, everything is already prepared.
However, they were nice people and I enjoyed it.

Kim’s husband was someone who likes to talk and explain stuff. It is the type of person who askes you a question, but doesn’t really listen to your answer because he is already thinking of what he can say next :D. Kim on the other hand talks slow and seems more relaxed.
I’m not really good with persons who talk constantly and talk fast hence I tried to talk to other people a bit more or played with the dog.
They have an old dog and he was constantly holding a ball in his mouth. He was really obsessed with his balls and as soon as you pushed a ball a little bit he would push it back with his noise. It was hilarious to see.
One time the ball rolled under the couch and when I looked under the couch, there were tons of balls lying there :D.
They also had a cat who bit in your fingers.

After dinner and good dessert (selfmade pies) we went to bed.
The next morning, we got a typical American breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast, papaya, pineapple, salad,… It was really tasty.


Stop on our way to Kim


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