More snow

On my other day off I wanted to make some pictures of me in the snow. The weather forecast told me that there would be rain that day so I wanted to have some pictures before the snow would melt.


I’ve set up my timer on my phone and took some pictures :). It’s hard when you are alone and want to have some picture of you on beautiful places. When there are people around I always ask them to take a picture of me.
I like being alone too. Then it’s just me and nature. I always take some time to listen to the sounds around me and enjoy the views.

Some views you can’t capture with your camera.
One day I came home from work and there was an amazing view of the mountains, the sunset and the valley. There were some clouds in front of the mountain, but the top of the mountain was still visible. The trees coloured pink and orange like the mountains. It was really beautiful. I wanted to make a good picture, so I ran up hill to have a good view, but a soon as I reached the top, the clouds moved already in front of the mountain.


This was the picture of the valley with the beautiful colours.


Another picture of the valley where you can see the mountain top.

I stayed in Lynn Valley for one month and I had a nice time there. Thursday I packed my stuff and moved for a couple of days to an airbnb just a couple of minutes away from the place where I stayed. I could store my big luggage at the hotel where I work so I just have to carry my backpack with me :).


All my belongings


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