Let it snow!


Monday 5th of December I woke up and looked out of the window and there was SNOW!!! 😀 I was so happy! I didn’t expect it and neither did the drives.
The last days were dark and rainy so I was happy with the snow and the sunshine :).

When I came at the hotel to work we were just with two housekeepers for the whole day!!!
(the other workers couldn’t make it due the snow) So we had to do the work for normally four people. It was exhausting, but I made it and after the day I could walk a bit more in the snow :D.

On my day off I went to Greenwood park, a park close where I lived. I decided to not make a long walk because I was still tired of the busy days on work, but it turned out I didn’t do a long walk but a huge walk :D. The nature was just calling me, you know, so I couldn’t resist.

In Greenwood park there is a spot that’s called God’s chair. It is actually a big rock and I don’t really know why they called it like that, but some of them see a chair in the rock.
When I reached the top, it was an amazing view. It was quiet, I was alone, the sun was shining (just on that spot) and there was the beautiful snow, I felt like I was in heaven. Maybe that’s why they call it like that :)!


View from God’s chair


God’s chair

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