Airbnb and hikes

I have some vacation now and I don’t need to go to work. That gives me the time to do some hikes and see more about North Vancouvers beauties! 🙂

The airbnb where I’m staying is very good and I have a real bed now to sleep in! I’m so thankful for that.

Yesterday I went to see Deep Cove again during the day and to make a little hike to Quarry rock. It was a sunny day and therefore perfect to do the hike.
First I was stuck in traffic and missed my transfer to Deep Cove, but a couple of minutes later I had another bus that went there, so I was lucky :).

When I arrived there, I immediately started the hike. The hike was most of the time taking wooden stairs up. It was beautiful. The forest was frozen. Everything was frozen. It was very cold, but I was prepared and I like the cold :).


After about an hour I arrived at Quarry rock. The view was magnificent! The sun was shining so beautiful and I had a view over Indian arm (the water) and the mountains.
Lucky there were other people on the rock so I could ask someone to take a picture of me! I asked a friendly looking girl and she took a couple of pictures of me. She was from London and she was visiting the rock with her boyfriend. We talked for a bit and enjoyed the view.


Me enjoying the view


The view

I went back down before the sunset came, because otherwise it would be to dark to do the hike down again.
When I arrived back in Deep Cove the sun made a beautiful pink colour on the mountains.


After the hike I ate a good salad in a restaurant with view on the water when it was getting darker. I took the bus back home and I was grateful for the wonderful day.


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