Wedding on Grouse mountain

Saterday, I could finally see James again after almost two months. I was so excited for that!
We met at the hotel where I work. I was waiting and waiting and every second seemed to feel like a minute.
Finally I saw Vince ( a friend of James who drove to Vancouver) and James. I held him really close to me. It felt so good and warm.

After snuggling and changing clothes, we picked up two more people to go to the wedding. We drove up to the beginning of Grouse mountain. There we took a gondola to go on top of the mountain. The view was so beautiful! It was already dark and through the clouds you could see a bit of the lights of Vancouver city.
Suddenly there was snow and we reached the top! ๐Ÿ˜€ It was so cold, but so pretty! I felt like I was in a snowy glass ball. It was snowing and it was so quiet there and kind of magical.

I had never seen an American wedding before. It was really nice. Everybody is invited for everything, even the vows to each other. It was emotional and beautiful.

Afterwards we could go inside (yaayyy, nice and warm there!) and grab our seats. There was lots of delicious food and friendly people.
There were long and super lovely speeches from friends and family.
When we finished eating there was the openings dance of the couple, the groom with his mom and the bride with her dad.
Now we could dance a bit ๐Ÿ™‚ and that was exactly what I did.

One moment, the clouds completely disappeared and we could see Vancouver by night!

After eating, dancing and talking, we took the gondola back down and I drove us back to the hotel. I was the only one who didn’t drink alcohol of course :).
The car was an automatic so it took me a couple of minutes again before I managed to figure out how the car worked, but after that it went fluently.

The day after we did a bit of a city trip around dowtown Vancouver and it was raining constantly :/. We were soaked and went from one place inside to another :).

And also this day came to an end so I had to say goodbye again to James, which was hard. We already had lots of rain that day and also I couldn’t keep it dry.
I held him close to me and gave him one last kiss and stepped on the bus back home.
I felt lonely. So lonely. It was just me again in big Canada.

No rainbow, without rain.

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