Suspension bridge with lights


Wednesday, I could join my co-workers and my boss to a walk in the Suspension bridge park. The whole park was lightened with thousand lights! 🙂 I was so excited to see it!

When we arrived there were already lights everywhere. We could walk in the park and we got a christmas tree necklace that gave light. Everybody was taking pictures and enjoying the lights. It was really cold, but it wasn’t raining so I was happy.
We crossed the suspension bridge and there was more nice stuff you could see (walking from tree to tree in the air on wooden pallets, lights on the water,…) It was amazing!
I was walking around with a smile constantly.


Afterwards we got free hot chocolate and cookies. Everybody was taking pictures of themselves on a sleigh with a big teddybear.
Eventually it started raining again, but I was so happy it didn’t rain when we were walking around in the park and on the bridge :).

It was a really nice experience and I was lucky that I could see it for free, so I’m really grateful for that!


The suspension bridge

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