Filmset and cloudy super moon

Monday was a special day at work. There was a film crew at the hotel, because they were going to film a series in the hotel! 😀 It was so nice to see all the people and cameras. I was very happy to work ‘on a filmset’!
One time I had to take some new towels in the housekeeping area, so I had to cross the parking lot where they were filming. I didn’t see anybody and didn’t hear anything so I went to take the towels. When I was crossing the parking lot, a woman made a sign that I had to go back, because the camera was going :D. I quickly ran back and I was not filmed.


Filming at the hotel

After work I would move my stuff to the other place. My luggage was in the trunk of Deepaks car so after work I met him in his office. He asked me if I had dinner for the evening. I didn’t and he invited me to have dinner at his place again and afterwards we could watch a movie and I could sleep one more night there :). I really liked that! He said that he and his wife loved me and that they don’t want anything in return. My eyes got wet again because of his nice words.

When he finished work, he drove me to the other place to put my luggage there already and then we drove back to the house.
Rohini didn’t feel like cooking because last days she was cooking constantly, so we went out eating. We went to a very nice and cozy restaurant where they have really good pizzas and salads. We ordered one large pizza and a big salad. It was so yummy and I was thankfull for the food and love I got/get from them.

Next, we went to Deep cove trying to see the super moon. It’s a good place for seeing the moon and stars because there are not many lights there.
Unfortunately there were clouds and we could only see the light of the moon behind the clouds. We waited about 15 minutes, but the clouds didn’t want to disappear so we drove back home.
One moment I looked behind me and I could see the moon for a couple of seconds! I told them and Rohini tried to turn the car, but it was difficult because we were on a highway :D. It was so funny! We were like chasing the moon. Finally she managed to turn the car and we found a spot where we could park the car and look at the moon.
The moon wasn’t that big anymore. It was already to high in the sky, but we enjoyed watching it. I really had a nice time :).

After seeing the moon we drove back home and watched a movie together. Deepak made wonderful tea and I enjoyed every sip of it.
When the movie was done, we all went to bed and in the morning Rohini drove me to the other place. She gave me a bag full of food for me to take with me! I can’t say enough thank you to these people cause they are wonderful. They really make me feel I’m home and I can feel the love they give to me.
I’m gonna miss them, but we keep in touch and I can always call them if I have a problem. Also if I don’t feel comfortable with living here, I can go back to their house.
We are like a family for each other and I’m so grateful that I met them.


‘Super’ moon with beautiful, big aura

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