Halloween, Cowichan River provincial park and Victoria

For the Halloween weekend we went bowling. It was a nice small bowling place and EVERYBODY had a costume!

Monday was Jason’s birthday so he invited lots of friends at his house and everybody had a costume again. It was so nice! 🙂
The scarriest costume was the guy who wore a T-shirt with ‘Trump 2016’ and a cap with ‘make America great again’!
I didn’t really have a costume so I wrapped some fake spiderwebs around my head.


Me and Saskia (she is the new work awayer from the UK)

One day the sun was shining and I really wanted to do something outside. I looked up if there was something to do near Duncan. I found a provincial park nearby. It was just a 9 minutes drive. I asked if anybody wanted to join me, but everybody was lazy, so I went alone :).

It was my second time driving an automatic car and I must say I’m getting really good in driving those cars :). When I was walking on the trails of the park I crossed a dead fish, probably from a bear ( That’s what I think). I continued walking and made some noise once in a while so that the animals would be afraid of me and don’t want to approach me.

On one map there was a sign of an abandon railway, so I wanted to check that out. For some reason I just walked in a circkle and I came back where I started my walk. So I didn’t found the railway.
I took the car and drove a bit more along the park so I could see other places of the park too.
It was nice driving around in a beautiful place like that. I enjoyed it and I was happy that I went outside!

Yesterday Joy, Jeanna and me went to Victoria. The drive there was sooooo amazing! I was constantly looking out the window with my smiley face! 😀 I could see mount Baker with the snow on top. That’s a mountain in the state Washington in America and we could see it! At some point there was a wonderful view! Sooo beautiful. There were mountains and mist and sun and the lines of the mountains in the distance and the colors and everything was so perfect for a picture or just sitting there and watch it. Unfortunately I couldn’t take a picture because we were on the highway and couldn’t go to the other side to stop. But I gave my eyes lots of beautiful views!

In Victoria I ate a California burger and it was so tasty! After eating we went for a walk along the oceanside and again I couldn’t stop smiling. It was so beautiful. There were mountains from America with snow and the ocean and the sun and all the perfect colors. I couldn’t really take a good picture. It was more beautiful in real life of course. 🙂
But here are some pictures anyway:


Mount Baker in my hands


The mountains in America and the ocean

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