Little trip (Strathcona park and Cathedral grove)


The battleship lake

Yesterday, the two German guys (who live here too) and me went for a little trip.
I really wanted to do something because the last days it was raining all the time and I was inside for 3 days straight! So I decided to go on a little trip and asked if the German guys wanted to join me.

Yesterday morning was rainy again and there was no sun, only clouds, but I had the feeling that this day was the best day to go on a trip. We could use the car of Jeanna and I drove us to Strathcona park. It was a 2 hour 50 minute drive, but it was fun to drive with a nice car and see beautiful places while driving.
As soon as we left Duncan, the clouds disappeared and the sun joined us for the whole day!!! We decided to drive along the Oceanside because then we could see more beautiful things instead of the highway.

Our first stop was at Fanny Bay. There were so many seals drifting in the water or just chilling on the wooden beams while the fishermen were collecting there fish. We didn’t stay there for a long time because the seals made lots of noice!

We continued our trip to Strathcona park. On our way there we saw two beautiful rainbows! I couldn’t take a picture of it because I was driving of course :D.
When we arrived I took  a picture of the map and we started our little hike. It was a very beautiful park. Lots of the trials were wooden boards because of the wet soil. Some of the trails were without wooden boards so we had to watch our step, but it was fun!

First we visited ‘the battleship lake’. Why they call it like that is for me still a mystery. It was a very nice lake. I saw a small trail and I wanted to know where it would bring me, so I followed the trail and it brought me to a more beautiful view of the lake. It was so quiet over there and it was just me and the lake. I went back to tell the boys about it and they followed me. They also liked the view more over there! We rested there a couple of minutes and took some photos ( see above).

After our short break, we continued our walk to lake Helen Mackenzie. We were surrounded by the beauty of the forest. Finally we found the other lake and it was again a lovely lake with a mountain in the background!


Lake Helen Mackenzie

Next, Max drove us to Cathedral Grove to see some of the largest trees ever. The oldest tree was 800 years old!!! Every time we passed a tree I was like “WOOOOW, this one is huge!!” but then we saw the biggest an oldest tree in the forest and even the word ‘huge’ wouldn’t descripe how big the tree really was!


Mini me


The big, huge, gigantic, tall, great tree


When we’re surrounded by nature, we see how small we really are.

When we came home we were tired, but satisfied (and HUNGRY!!!) 😀
I was glad we went yesterday because today it’s raining again.

2 thoughts on “Little trip (Strathcona park and Cathedral grove)

  1. Het is inderdaad een prachtige streek zelfs in de regen zou het een beleving zijn ! Wacht maar tot er eens sneeuw zal liggen dan zal het sprookjesachtig zijn!


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