

The bus from Seattle dropped me off at the Pacific station. I had to go to the Waterfront station because I would meet Harry there. He would host me for one night in Vancouver.
While walking to the other station I had to pass the most horrible part of Vancouver, but I didn’t know that otherwise I would have taken another way of course. There were lots of homeless people and people who clearly took drugs. Some man was chasing me and was shouting things at me so he would get my attention. I was scared because there were no people around and he kept shouting. So I turned around and listened to what he wanted to say. He just wanted to know what time it was so I told him and after that he shouted something else and chased me a little bit more and finally I felt a bit safe again.
So my first experience with Vancouver wasn’t nice at all, but then I came in the real city and that was nice. Huge buildings and lots of people. I had never seen such a big city before, so I was impressed.

I wanted to get rid of my big suitcase. I asked in the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel if I could store my luggage there for a while, but they said no since I wasn’t a costumer. Anyway I tried it again in another hotel Pan Pacific Vancouver and the guy there was so friendly and he stored my luggage AND he gave me a map of the city and helped me find a place where they sell sim-cards.
Conclusion: You just have to keep on trying and asking hotels if they want to store your luggage for you. Pan Pacific Vancouver does it!!!

In the evening I met Harry and he brought me to his place. I was tired and just took a shower and wrote in my notebook what I’ve done the past week with James and his family, because it was so much fun and I didn’t want to forget what we’ve done.
While I was writing it, I felt sad and lonely and I could cry every minute. It is all new for me and I have to get used to it.



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